Sunday, August 7, 2011

Sunday Sewing Updated

Well there isn't much to update.  I got caught up in a lengthy telephone conversation with a good friend and didn't get much sewing done. I AM getting to it now though. 

Here is a close up of my stitching.  I am trying to take small stitches.  More consistent stitching would be nice but won't hold my breath on that one for a bit yet. 

I am stitching it with Madeira polyneon thread No. 1600.  It's a variegated thread. 

Most of the time I don't use the polyneon because it is too shiny and I like a thicker thread.  This time I was trying to get the thread to blend in more.  I almost used a YLI but the colors on this Madiera blend in pretty good.  Besides it is good to change up sometimes.

I am also posting a picture of two hearts. One of them is green the other red.  In each one is a needle. These are the needles that I won from Angie via her blogspot.  I did the first three stitches with another needle but then switched to these applique needles and LOVE them. 

Ok Angie.  You were right.  They DO glide through material.  This needle is gliding through the heat n bond lite backed material as if it didn't have any fusible on it.  The eye of the needle is a little small but I'll just hunt up my needle threaders that I have and that will take care of that. 

That's it for the update.  Time to get back to sewing so when Angie's Applique Thursday rolls around I can have something to post.  LOL. 

Oh Oh!  I'm in trouble  just found out that the August Baltimore block got posted.  Must get to finishing up Junes now.  We won't talk about July's.

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